Skate the Lake/Rock the Lake

Skate the Lake/Rock the Lake

Skate the Lake is a volunteer run, non-profit pond hockey tournament. The tournament takes place on Lake Minnedosa which the Town of Minnedosa prepares with several rinks to allow for multiple games to be played at once. The non-contact, 4-on-4 format features customized nets instead of goalies and special rules to ensure safety and fair play. Lake Minnedosa provides the natural setting needed to hold a successful event. There is no question that our Lake exceeds any other venue out there for an event of this nature. To register or for more info

New in 2018, the 1st annual Rock the Lake, a Pondspiel was held on Minnedosa Lake, along with Skate the Lake. This is a fun curling event featuring 2 person teams, stick curling, no sweeping, 6 ends. 

Go to or call 204-867-1942.

Address: Box 1820